What Colombian Women Look For in a Partner

What do you seek most in a woman? Maybe you want a woman who’s traditional, kind, and feminine. That’s all well and good. People are allowed to have certain traits that they want in a partner.
You might think that you can find those traits which you seek in Colombian women. Because of that, you might think that you’ll find a compatible partner if you were to go to Colombia. But here’s the thing; you’ve got your preferences, but so do the women in Colombia.
So what are these preferences that these women seek? What is it that a Colombian lady looks for in a partner? And how can you embody these traits so you’ll know how to make a Colombian woman fall in love with you?
Physical Traits
Whether we like it or not, the way we look is material to the game of dating. And while beauty is only skin-deep, skin is the largest organ in the body so it’s still pretty important. Physical attraction is the primary focus when getting ready for a date, so let’s discuss what you can do to make yourself look as dashing as possible.
Height and Posture
Height is the first physical trait that’s going to get a lot of traction with the women in Colombia. Most women in general tend to find taller men more desirable and it’s not going to be any different in Colombia. Women there want men who are more traditionally masculine and height is often used as a signifier for masculinity.
Do you have to be six feet tall? Well, no. After all, less than fifteen percent of American men are six feet or taller. But it does help if you’re able to project an appearance of being tall. You can achieve this by standing up straight and staying straight — a more difficult task than you think, so you better start practicing. If being tall, or the perception thereof, is that important to you then you can always wear lifts in your shoes.

Another part of your physical appearance that you need to pay attention to is your hair. If you show up with unkempt, greasy hair, that’s not going to get you a lot of positive attention. Sure, women may give you a second glance, but it won’t be the good kind and it’s not the kind that is going to lead to a romantic relationship.
So what should you do about your hair? Well, for starters there’s washing it. Make sure that it’s not coated in grease. Once you’ve washed it, run a comb through it. Use gel or pomade if you have to. Just make sure that it looks presentable.
With the hair on your head taken care of, it’s time to take care of the hair on the rest of your body by making sure it’s properly groomed. If you’ve got a beard, make sure that it’s nice and trimmed. If you’re not the kind to have facial hair, make sure to shave since hairs longer than you’re used to can be uncomfortable and may not look good on your face.
Finally, there’s your clothing. Do you need to arrive in a three-piece bespoke suit that was handmade by an English tailor? No, you do not. What you do need to do is to show up in presentable clothing. Make sure everything you wear is clean and well-pressed. Avoid anything with large logos or graphics of any kind. Dress as neutrally as possible.
Non-physical Traits
Looks can only take you so far. The more vital part of the equation is your overall character and personality. While we cannot change who we are, we can highlight our character strengths while restraining our flaws.
As long as you are aware of what it takes to be an ideal suitor, you can act the part.
First, you must be a gentleman. If you are on a date in Colombia, then you must take it upon yourself to open her door and pull her chair out. Also, don’t forget to pay for everything. Yeah, a lot of women in Colombia have jobs and make their own money, but there’s still an expectation that men should pay for everything when dating.
Now, there’s another thing you need to do that’s part of being a gentleman and it’s to not reference Colombia’s rather sordid history. That’s ancient history. There’s also a chance that she may not even have been born when all of all that was happening.

If its sordid history is all you know about Colombia, then you need to do some more research on the country as there’s a lot more to its culture than just the checkered past. Think of its contribution to literature with magical realism or its contribution to many a breakfast table with its world-famous coffee beans.
Conversational Skills
So you know what not to talk about. But what about the thing that you can talk about? You can just have silence on a date. Ideally, you want conversation that’s going to flow easily. So how do you encourage that flow?
Well, you talk about her. You ask her questions about her. Don’t turn it into an interrogation or an interview, but make sure you give her plenty of space to talk about herself. Then she can throw it back and you can talk about yourself. Then you’ve got a conversation going.
If you can slip a little bit of Spanish here and there, that’s even better. Also, if you are thinking of doing this, try to make it seem as natural and as casual as possible, like switching to Spanish is something you do in your day to day life. It’ll make you look more suave and worldly, two traits that Colombian women won’t turn their noses up at.
There’s a time and place for stoicism, for being in control of your emotions and how strongly you express them. In Colombia, people are encouraged to be emotionally expressive. This leads to women expecting some level of openness from the men that they date. So if you’re thinking of holding back, don’t. Let her know how much you like her from the outset.
The women in Colombia know what to look for in a guy. For the most part, they know the kind of person that they want to be with. If you think that you’re what they’re looking for, that you’ve got the attributes that they need in a partner, then sign up now.