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7 Ways to Make a Woman Happy

creative ways to make a woman happy
Make it a goal to find simple yet creative ways to make a woman happy. Make your relationship an adventure and create new and lasting memories.

All your life, you could be doing everything you can just to find a relationship. And the next thing you know, you have a girlfriend. “Well that’s nice.” you think to yourself. You’re off to a good start, except that you don’t know how to make a woman happy.

This is a big problem because you don’t want to lose her. She’ll get to see the real you soon enough, and you aren’t sure if you’re enough for her.

But there are many ways to make a woman happy and they don’t involve buying her the most expensive things or being superman. All you need is to put your heart into it.

How to Make a Woman Happy

There are a few simple ways to make a woman happy. The operative word is “simple.” These are small habits and gestures that you should apply to your relationship. They build the foundations of what can become a long and meaningful life together.

Knowing Her

The first of the many ways to make a woman happy is to know her. This doesn’t just mean knowing her facts and stats. This means understanding who she is as a person, what she likes and dislikes, her experiences, and the way she views the world. So, how do you show her that you know her?

  1. Learn her love language - The first way to show a woman that you know her is to figure out the way she wants to be loved. Does she like quality time? Does she enjoy hearing words of affirmation? Is she always touching you in some way? Does she want you to do things for her? Or does she want you to give her little tokens of your affection?

    Figure out what her love language is and become fluent in it. Also, keep in mind that a person can have more than one love language and that a preferred love language can change over time.

  2. Understand her interests and/or hobbies - What does your girl like to do in her spare time? Does she like musical theatre? Does she read romance novels? Does she play video games? Learn what her hobbies and interests are and engage in them with her. Not only will this show her that you know her, but it’ll also enable you to spend quality time together.

how to make a woman happy by playing videogames
Do you want to know how to make a woman happy? Start by doing things that you both love together.

Dating Her

Another way to keep a woman happy is to keep dating her. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been together 20 years or if you’ve just made it official, keep dating her and she’ll keep being happy with you.

So how do you keep dating someone after you’ve already landed them?

  1. Ask her out - You’re in a relationship, but that doesn’t mean you can’t ask her out like you’re still dating. In a lot of relationships, couples will just make plans and assume that their partners are free or they’ll otherwise cancel other plans.

    That’s not how it works when a person is trying to land a date. Normally, a person asks the object of their affection if they’re free and then asks them out. A guy should do this with his partner because it’s both considerate and it shows that he’s still chasing her and is still as enamored with her as when he was pursuing her.

  2. Plan surprises - The early stages of dating are a series of surprises, some small and some big, as the two learn more and more about each other. After a while, it can seem like a relationship runs out of surprises.

    So what do you do? You don’t let it run out. Plan surprises for your partner. It can be something as simple as a home-cooked meal or a trip that she’s been wanting to take forever. Just make sure that the surprise isn’t something terrible and it’ll keep the relationship feeling new and exciting.

  3. Try new things together - Speaking of keeping things new and exciting, trying things that are new and exciting can have the same effect as planning surprises while also allowing you to collaborate. A couple can plan to try something new, whether it be a cuisine or an activity, and then they can do it. The planning and the follow-through both become team efforts.

A couple talking on a couch.
Even though you are totally comfortable with each other, surprise her every now and then. That’ll show her that you’re still in love with her.

Working with Her

If you want to know a couple of more ways to keep a woman happy, then you’re going to need to continually work on your relationship. What kind of work do you need to do?

  1. Communicate openly - One of the biggest contributors to a woman’s unhappiness in a relationship, and unhappiness in general, is a lack of communication. Instead of sorting out an issue as a couple, people can let it linger and fester. Instead of expressing a desire, it goes unmet and resentment brews.

    Openly communicating any issues in a relationship is the only way to even begin solving it and if there’s something that someone wants in a relationship, then they need to voice it so that their partner can meet it.

  2. Prioritizing her - Aside from a lack of communication, another thing that makes a woman unhappy in a relationship is not feeling like a priority. It can make someone feel like they’re being taken for granted.

    How do you make sure that your partner doesn’t feel like she’s being taken for granted? By doing the things listed above. Take her on dates. Talk to her. Surprise her. Make her feel like you still want her and that you still want to be in a relationship. Treat her like a queen and make her feel special.

    If that’s not enough to keep her happy, then nothing will.

Happiness in a relationship doesn’t come instantly. No matter how compatible two people are, they’re not going to be instantaneously happy together, not without putting in a healthy amount of work.

Relationships are not all sunshine and rainbows. Don’t get complacent. Keep the effort going as if you’ve just gotten to know each other. There are a lot of ways to make a woman happy in a relationship. You just have to be willing to enact them.