7 Ways to Attract a Beautiful Colombian Woman

Imagine this: you’re on a night out with friends in Medellin, and you encounter a beautiful Colombian woman painting the town red. Next thing you know, you two are knee-deep in a conversation over bottles of light beers.
This scene seems like it’s been ripped right off a rom-com script, yes? As much as many of us wish for that dream-like scenario to happen, reality doesn’t always turn out how we want it to. People are complicated and dating isn’t as predictable.
Despite that reality check, that doesn’t mean you can’t attract a pretty lady.
If you’re tired of being single and are looking for a long-term and meaningful relationship, we’ll share seven ways that will help you find the one woman for you.
Pre-Dating Checklist
Before we get to winning ways, you may want to check these boxes off your pre-dating checklist.
Learn basic Spanish
According to a Statista report, Colombia has an estimated 50.6 million native Spanish speakers. While many citizens can speak English comfortably, it wouldn’t hurt to pick up some Español!
You don’t have to be fluent in the language, so don’t worry if you’ve only gotten a few basic phrases down. Ladies will appreciate the time and effort you put in.
Start by using language-learning apps or take online classes. If you want a more entertaining learning experience, listen to Spanish or watch movies and shows with Spanish subtitles.
Have a sense of adventure
Colombian women are always down for a good time! Whether it’s an adrenaline-spiking activity or a simple night out in town, fun is never off the agenda.
If you’re used to low-key dinner dates, brace yourself for different experiences with Colombian ladies. When, for example, your match wants to go out dancing, bust out your dancing shoes and groove to the beats.
Tired of the usual sit-down dates? A beautiful Colombian woman has got you covered with fun ideas.We can assure you that a beautiful Colombian woman is anything but boring.
Don’t leave your manners
You’d think this is a given already, but some, unfortunately, overlook their manners. So, this section is a friendly reminder to apply them.
A survey conducted by a personal grooming delivery service found that it takes an average of 27 seconds for someone to make a good impression. You only get one shot here, so don’t waste that by having poor manners! Being a gentleman will never go out of style — don’t let anyone convince you otherwise.
How to Make Women in Medellin, Colombia Yours
Now, let’s get down to business. If you want to win a Colombian lady over, these seven pointers should nudge you in the right direction:
1. Make your move first
Thanks to online dating, awkward scenarios aren’t as embarrassing because of the digital wall and physical distance separating daters. You won’t be surprised to hear stories of women asking men out first.
Although we live in a modern society, many Colombian women behave conservatively. And because of that, the ball’s in your court — shoot the shot first! Don’t wait for them to flash a sign that says “Get me” to make your move.
When making the first move, don’t come on too strong. Being confident is one thing, but brashness and arrogance? Leave your ego out the door. It’s a turn-off.
2. Do your (cultural) homework
We live in a digital age. Information is just a few clicks and scrolls away, so there’s no excuse for being misinformed.
Despite some unpleasant elements, Colombians are proud of their culture. If you want to put your best foot forward, do your research. Make sure you’re reading credible sources before you spout something out. Need an easy-to-digest resource? Our brief guide to Medellin women’s norms is a good place to start.
Need clarifications? Just ask your date, and she’ll gladly answer them.

Forget the stereotypes and throw them in the trash. Don’t go for the “Is it true that Colombian girls (insert stereotype here)” type of questions or risk offending your match.
3. Look like you mean business.
After all, you’re pining for a beautiful Colombian woman.
Now, we’re not saying you should look like a runway model! But because Colombian women take great effort in the self-care department, the least you can do is look presentable.
It doesn’t take much to exercise good hygiene, yes? Cleaning up should be part of your daily routine. Studies have suggested that looking good makes people feel better, so don’t doubt the science!
If you’re going on a date, dress nicely. We know our busy lives put the thought of date outfits on the back burner, but spare some thought for them when the occasion calls for them.
4. Humor is your best friend. Use it
Food isn’t the only thing that needs spice. Dates need flavor too! Brighten the atmosphere through your humor.
Don’t be afraid to crack the occasional joke and make your match laugh. Not too confident with your punchlines? You can always tell hilarious stories that you aren’t afraid to share. Think of date mishaps and other embarrassing incidents. Who knows — you may get an equally funny story out of her too.
5. Open your heart
Some vulnerability is necessary to get past the attraction stage and move onto more serious territory. Does this sound scary? Yes — especially if you’re the cynical type.
The thing is, romance won’t happen if you don’t open your heart. You don’t have to give all your trust to someone at the first meeting, but give them the benefit of doubt before making assumptions. Not everyone’s out to break your heart.
This openness doesn’t only benefit you. Once your date sees that you’re not afraid to be vulnerable, she’ll be encouraged to open herself up to love too.
6. Don’t play guessing games
Not everyone’s fine with playing it cool. Don’t keep a beautiful Colombian woman guessing! If you put on a mysterious shtick and send slow replies, she’ll move on without hesitation. You don’t have to be Cassanova here, but make an effort to communicate with your Colombian lover frequently.
7. Slow down
One of the signs you’re tired of being single is that you want things to move quickly with someone you just met. Friendly advice: hold your horses! Just because your match is a passionate person doesn’t mean you should escalate things quickly.
Give yourselves time to know each other before engaging in intimacy. You’ll gauge mutual interests and see if you’re meant for the long haul. No regret comes early, yes?