7 Common Mistakes Men Make on the First Date

Asking a girl out is one thing. Going out on dates is another story that can make even the most confident people feel uneasy. And because of that queasy feeling, slip-ups become more likely.
If you want to start off with your match on the right note, acing your first date is a must. We’ll point you in the right direction by pointing out typical mistakes men make on the first date.
But before we share them, let’s unpack the significance of first dates in relationships. This explanation will help you understand how mistakes can hamper your chances of a blossoming relationship.
The Importance of First Dates
You may notice some people are nervous wrecks during first dates. Why are they a big deal?
You can build chemistry and connection and determine compatibility
You can tell if you have chemistry and a connection with someone during your first date. You’ll also get a hint if you’re compatible or not.
People sometimes interchangeably use the three terms thinking they have similar meanings. While all of them are related, they’re quite different.
Chemistry is what we first look for in a potential lover. It’s a surface-level attraction that draws people to each other. On the other hand, a connection refers to the rapport and mutual understanding between two people and uses interactions as a basis. Lastly, compatibility talks about the similarities two people have in terms of goals, values, lifestyles, and beliefs.
First dates are tone-setters for your future encounters. If you and your match feel something special brewing between you, that’s great!
Learning personalities are important
We’ll never know the outcome of something if we don’t try it out first. This no-nonsense adage applies to dating as well. How will we know if someone’s good for us if we don’t give them a hard look?

Giving someone a hard look means getting to know the other person. As your conversations progress, you’ll learn about each other’s passions, humor, and principles. If you’re short on options on what to say on a first date with a girl, take this chance to ask questions. Just make sure they’re appropriate and compelling so you’ll get meaningful answers.
Room for vulnerability opens
Things can get personal during first dates. Subjects like past relationships and experiences may come to light, giving people space to be honest with each other.
If you and your date are comfortable with vulnerability, you’ll start to build trust. It’s not easy to open up to someone (let alone a stranger) about personal topics, so take it as a good sign if they don’t cower from that.
Avoid These Common Mistakes Men Make on the First Date
We know first-date jitters exist, and they’re not a great feeling. Nervousness is normal, but don’t let them stop you from pulling off successful first dates.
While there’s no rulebook telling men what to do on a first date with a girl, there are things you should avoid at all costs.
#1: Tardiness
There’s a reason tardiness is bad look everywhere — even on dates. It shows that you’re not serious about your match and the potential relationship. Not only are you non-commital, but you’re disrespectful too. The least you can do is give them a head’s up if you’re running late.
Do away with this mistake by arriving early. If possible, get to your chosen venue 10 to 15 minutes before your scheduled time. You’ll have a little breathing room to relax and calm your nerves.
#2: Inappropriate attire
You don’t have to wear expensive clothes. However, you should come to dates wearing a respectable outfit appropriate for the occasion.

This may sound horrible, but this is an ugly truth: most people judge each other by their appearances. Seven seconds is enough time to make an impression through your clothes. If you want to pass this test, we recommend wearing smart casual attire.
#3: Poor manners
What good is a handsome face if it doesn’t have the personality to back it up?
Gentlemanly behavior will never go out of style. If you want to know how to make a woman fall in love with you on the first date, you can attract her through great manners. These basic ones shouldn’t be too hard to follow:
Put your phone down for the night.
Let your date order first.
Don’t eat until your date’s meal has been served.
Hold your liquor.
Be kind to staff.
#4: Ex stories
First dates are blank canvases. Your ex remains in the past for a reason, so don’t drag them into your present!
It’s best to keep the ex talk out of dates, even if you have nothing but good things to say about them. Why? You’ll come off as a person who hasn’t moved on from their past relationship.
Let’s say your date tries to bring up this sensitive subject. You can say your piece, but make it as brief as possible while keeping calm. If they keep pressing the issue, you can politely tell them to drop it to avoid awkward situations.
#5: Interview-like questions
First dates aren’t job interviews. You’re looking to have fun — not a CEO candidate.
Asking questions is a must on the what-to-do on a first date with a woman list. But if you want a question-and-answer portion, follow our earlier recommendation: ask thoughtful ones. You can add fun by inserting humor here and there to ease the tension.
#6: Arrogance
There’s nothing wrong with confidence. In fact, you even need it during first dates! It makes you appear extra attractive to ladies.
However, (healthy) confidence is different from arrogance. Displaying know-it-all behavior while talking too much about yourself is distasteful. Give your date room to talk and listen to whatever they have to say.
#7: Bad goodbyes
Finishing dates well is just as important as having great starts. Leave a good mark by telling your date that you had a great time and you’re looking forward to future encounters. Many women want to get second-date hints, so don’t leave her hanging!
We can’t predict how first dates will go, but we can control our behaviors. Steer clear of these common mistakes men make on the first date for a great experience.