How to Get To Know Colombian Ladies

A woman peeking behind flowers.
Get to know Colombian ladies and find a potential partner.

Have you ever seen a beautiful Colombian woman on TV or on the internet and thought to yourself that you would like to try your hand at dating one of these women?

Or perhaps you know someone who is happily married to a Colombian lady and you’d like to be in the same situation. But before you start picturing a bride in a Colombian wedding dress walking down the aisle towards you, you need to figure out how to make that dream a reality.

There are several ways to begin your journey to meet and date Colombian ladies. Let’s map them out:

Getting to Know Them Online

If you’re using a matchmaking service, then the first step towards getting to know a person is to look at their profile. Don’t just glance at it, either. Go over all the information presented with a fine-toothed comb.

In some cases, people embellish their dating profiles to make themselves appear more desirable, but they can give you a clearer picture of who she is and a place to begin.

To get to know someone, you’ll need more information than just her online dating profile. There’s also their social media profiles.

It is likely that the information presented will be embellished, just as it would be in a dating profile. An individual’s social media profile, however, gives you insight into what they do for fun and with whom.

A couple on a video call.
Use a woman’s digital footprint to get an idea of who she is.

You won’t get the full picture into her hobbies and her social circle, but you will get a snapshot into it.

You may feel the inclination to buy a plane ticket and immediately go out on a date. After all, what better way is there to get to know someone than spending time with them? Your logic isn’t flawed, but you don’t have to be in the same room as someone in order to spend time with them.

Though there are easier ways to get to the country, taking a trip to Colombia is usually a substantial logistical and financial investment. Instead, you could first try exchanging emails and instant messages.

By doing so, you can talk to someone without taking a leap that you may not be ready to take. So take the smaller steps instead and save the big leaps for later.

Getting to Know Them in Real Life

Okay, so now we’ve covered how to get to know someone digitally. What about getting to know them in real life?

Once you do take the big leap and fly out to meet her in person, what happens then? What happens is that you get to know a more honest version of them.

Online, Colombian ladies can polish themselves up. That’s not as easy to do in real life and the imperfect version of themselves will eventually show itself because a facade like that can only be kept up for so long.

Observe the Little Things About Her

But if you want to take a more proactive approach to seeing the real version of a person, observe the way she acts when you’re with her. Is she nice to you but not to other people? Or is she polite and courteous towards everyone? Does she litter? Does she chew with her mouth open?

These are all important things to know about a person if you want to build a life with them and they’re not things that you can glean from emails and instant messages. Nor is it likely that most women will put the answers to these questions on their dating profiles.

A man approaching a woman with flowers.
There is no experience like a face-to-face interaction. Don’t just keep your interactions online. Find ways to see each other in person.

But it’s not all bad things. There might be a few good things that a woman is either too humble to put on their dating profiles or can’t be conveyed with words.

For example, how does she act when a stray cat or dog approaches them? Does she offer it scraps of food or recoil away from it in fear? What about if a baby stares at them? Does she make faces to get it to laugh or does she ignore it?

While the behavior described above may seem insignificant in the grand scheme of a relationship, these are little habits you may grow fond of over time, and that fondness can encourage you to build a life with your partner.

Ask Big Questions

Make no mistake about it, Colombian culture compels people to date in order to get married.

As such there are the important things that you’ll need to discuss with her, the things that can make or break a relationship. Things like how long she wants to wait before getting married, how many children she’d like to have, what religion she wants them to be raised in. Basically, she’s going to want to know what life being married to you is going to look like.

These are not things that you can glean from observation. If you want to know what the answers to these questions are, you’re going to have to ask them point-blank. It is not a good idea to marry someone who doesn’t want to get married or who wants more children than you can handle.

You can’t just build a relationship or a life with someone from scratch. Don’t marry a Colombian woman until you know them as a person. Find out who she really is, the woman behind the veneer and the (possibly altered) photos, and decide if she’s the one for you.