A Guide to Dating the Beautiful Women from Medellin

A woman leaning next to a wooden pole.
There are many women of Medellin who would want to date you. You just have to meet them halfway.

If you’re reading this, then chances are that you haven’t had an easy time finding love. Perhaps at one point in your life, you found it but lost it.

Now, you’re at a point where you’re thinking about giving up because you’re done wasting your time and energy on fruitless ventures. Maybe you’ve tried everything that you could possibly think of when it comes to dating and nothing has panned out.

You’ve likely downloaded apps and gone to speed dating events. You’ve talked to pretty strangers and asked friends to set you up with people that they know. Is that all there is to do? Or are there more things you could’ve tried?

Have you considered that your soulmate could be abroad?

At first glance, going abroad might seem like a drastic course of action. And even if it weren’t, where would you even go? There are so many different countries and even more cities, so where among them would be the best place to find a partner?

Well, have you considered Medellin, Colombia? Women from Medellin are notoriously beautiful, so it’s not a bad place to try and find someone. But how do you do that and what are they like?

Why Women From Medellin

What’s so special about Colombia and this city that you should consider trying to get a woman from there to be your partner? There are a couple of good reasons for picking a woman from Colombia and why Medellin specifically.

They’re Gorgeous

The women of Colombia have a reputation for being beautiful. And it’s not inaccurate. Anyone with a working set of eyes in Colombia can take one look and see that pretty much everyone down there is a stunner of the highest order.

A woman standing in front of a bright background.
Colombian women are more than just pretty faces.

The Culture Makes Them Good Partners

But beyond looks, there’s also their personality. Look, no one is saying that all women from Medellin share the same personality, they’re still their own individual people and not a monolith, but there are norms taught to Colombian women that make them desirable wives.

These include being taught to prioritize being mothers and homemakers over their own careers. For men who want traditional gender roles within a marriage, this makes them ideal wives.

Steps to Dating Women in Medellin, Colombia

You now know why these women are your best bet for a better love life. But what about the how? How does one get to date a Colombian woman? It’s not like you can just snap your fingers and one appears at your doorstep, ready to marry you.

Instead, consider these time-tested ways:

Step One: Methods

Step one to getting one of the women of Medellin is pretty simple—find a matchmaking service or pay for a premium version of a popular dating app.

We recommend the first. A matchmaking service that specializes in Colombia will pair you up with women from the country based on their own internal criteria.

To be fair, a premium version of a dating app will allow you to change your location so that all the potential matches that you can swipe on come from your chosen city. Now, going this route may appear more convenient and possibly cheaper at first glance, but you’ll be entirely reliant on algorithms as opposed to real expertise that comes with experience. Simply put, never underestimate the effectiveness of matchmakers and the human touch when it comes to matters of the heart.

Step Two: Logistics

Step two is the logistics. How are you going to get down to Colombia? Obviously, you’ll catch a flight, but are you doing everything by yourself? Wouldn’t the better option be to pay for some kind of romance tour package?

There are benefits to both, but which is the better option for you?

If you go ahead and do everything yourself, you’re in control. You get to control when you’re going, how long you’ll be gone for, the hotels you stay at, and your itinerary. Basically, you’re not going to be beholden to anyone or to a set schedule. The only rules by which you’ll have to abide are the laws of the land. Other than that, it’s all you.

A woman wearing a pink jacket and dark sunglasses.
You want to date a Colombian woman? We can help.

Booking a packaged tour, on the one hand, takes the onus off of you. Flights? Hotels? When you’ll be gone and for how long? It’s all part of the package. All you have to do is to show up and have a good time. You don’t have to worry about any of the logistics.

Another benefit to the tour is the value. Oftentimes, the price of a package comes out to be slightly cheaper than what you would’ve paid for the individual components. So there’s that to consider. Plus, the companies that offer romance tour packages often have benefits other than taking care of the logistics.

Lastly, by doing things yourself, you’re leaving an awful lot to chance. While with a tour, you’re putting yourself in the hands of people who have been there and done that many times over. They know the lay of the land and know who to introduce you to.

Step Three: Actually Dating

Step three is the approach. How do you intend to talk to the women in Medellin, Colombia? Are you just going to walk up to one? And how are you going to make sure that she’s even available for you to talk to? That she doesn’t already have someone?

Well, there are a lot of ways you can approach women from Medellin, provided you’re already in the city itself. First, you’ll have to do your research. You’ll have to find the best places in the city to meet single women.

Now, if you book a romance tour, then you don’t have to worry about making the approach. A lot of packages include catered parties where the matchmakers can and often do make introductions, so that’s at least one step in the process that’s taken care of.

But after that, you’ll have to find the best ways to initiate a conversation with them. Then you’ll have to keep the flow of that conversation going if you want to see if you can find love with her. The first steps are done, but the last steps are yours and only yours to navigate.

So what are the rest of these steps? Well, this is where all that research you did comes back into play, if you play your cards right. If all goes well, the conversation becomes an opportunity for you to ask her out on a date. If she agrees, then you take her out to one of the places that you’ve already scoped out.

If the first date goes well, then take her on another. Then another. If all those go well, then you’ve got a relationship on your hands.