Some Good Habits of Women: Good Advice for Men

A couple talking to one another.
Who is the future of dating? You and the woman you choose.

The search for a good partner can be incredibly difficult. Not only do you have to find someone compatible, you have to find someone compatible who likes you too.

A lot of guys find someone who meets those standards by going abroad. One country with a lot of women looking for husbands is Colombia. From Medellin a Cartagena, there are plenty of single women in the country who wish to be with a good man. They’ll even date you even if you are foreign, as long as you make each other happy.

How do these men find such women? By going to foreign matchmakers? If so, then how much does a matchmaker cost? Well, it can vary quite a bit but between the matchmaking, the travel arrangements, and immigration fees, a guy should have quite the nest egg saved up.

Whichever your method of meeting these women, you will need a way to discern if they are truly the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. For certain, there are a lot of Colombian women who fit the preferences of western men—beautiful, traditional, strong, and passionate.

But in order to dig deeper, you need to get into their habits and values.

Good Habits and Green Flags

So how can you tell that someone’s not hiding behind a facade? Well, you need to look out for some good habits of women—good advice for men to listen to. But what are these good habits? What are these green flags for which a man should be on the lookout?


The first green flag that a guy should look out for is her being supportive. There are people out there who don’t care about their partner’s ambitions or goals. There are people out there who are downright hostile to a partner having things that they’d like to achieve.

So a person who is supportive of their partner’s goals is a definite green flag and if that person is a woman, then she’s definitely someone you should go after.

Wants You for You

Something else that a man should look for in a partner is genuine desire. Some women don’t care who they date. They just want to have a serious relationship and who they have that relationship with is secondary to them. So a woman who wants you and not just a relationship is definitely someone you need to pursue romantically.

A couple holding hands with each other.
A supportive partner is worth the world.


A really good habit for a potential partner to have is that she communicates her feelings to. People like it when their partners can anticipate their needs. Unfortunately, a lot of women fall into the habit of wanting their partners to be able to read their minds in order to anticipate those needs and they don’t communicate.

That lack of communication leads to problems in a relationship. So if a woman habitually communicates her needs, then that’s as green a flag as it gets.

More to that, communication with her shouldn’t feel like pulling teeth or tiptoeing around a live bomb. It doesn’t have to be easy, though it’s ideal if it is, but if it’s hard, then there’s an incompatibility in your communication and that’s not a good sign for your relationship.

Even beyond that, that communication should be consistent. This is especially important in a long-distance relationship, but it applies to all sorts of couples. Being able to regularly touch base with one another is one of the healthiest habits a couple can have and it’s a great way to assure continued closeness.

Agree to Disagree

Another healthy habit that can predict long-term success in a relationship is if two people are able to disagree without it being dramatic. Look, no matter how compatible two people are, they are going to have differences in opinion.

Your differences can be small, like one person has a preference for tea and the other prefers coffee. Others can be big, like one person wants to live in the middle of the city and the other wants to live in the suburbs or the countryside. And there are others that can cause chasms that can’t be bridged, like one person wants kids and the other doesn’t.

The trick is being able to recognize which category disagreements fall under and identify if there’s an outcome that’s going to satisfy both parties and the best way to achieve that outcome. Basically, it’s healthy to want to win an argument with your partner. The goal should be finding common ground.

A couple arguing with one another.
How a woman handles disagreements will say a lot about her as a partner.

Pushing Buttons and Boundaries

Some people like to push their partner’s buttons, see how far they can go before they get a reaction. That’s not a healthy habit in a relationship. But it’s good to challenge your partner to be a better version of themselves. But what’s the line between pushing a boundary and your partner challenging you to be better?

Take your goals, for example. If your partner knows that you’ve got big dreams, then she’s going to tell you to get off the couch and make those dreams happen. She might even have a step-by-step plan. That’s a healthy challenge.

But, if she makes fun of your dreams, then that’s not a healthy challenge. That’s just her pushing buttons. And it’s not a good habit for a partner to have because not only is it demoralizing, it can also be pretty annoying.

Alone Time

Another healthy habit that might not seem like one that’s great for couples but actually is, is the ability to be alone. You’ve probably seen it before or heard about; people who can’t let their partners out of their sight or couples who can’t bear to be apart for more than a few hours.

Being controlling and/or codependent isn’t healthy for couples. People need to have it in them to spend a few hours away from their partners so they can retain their own individual identities.

You will also need to consider your own growth. Future you, who is future dating your girlfriend. Will you feel the same? Who is it that’s going to stand by your side in the future? Well, that is entirely up to you. You can go to a matchmaker, find someone they feel is compatible with you, but it’s up to you if you want to be with them and build a life with them.

But how do you know someone is the kind of person you build a life with? Look at her habits, look at the way she conducts herself with you. If she’s got good habits, then she’s someone that you can be with, someone with whom you can share your life. Looking at some good habits of women is good advice for men.