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Complete Date Ideas for Valentine's Day in Colombia

Man and woman holding hands at a table.
There are a myriad of ways to effectively celebrate Valentine’s Day in Colombia.

If you’re in a long-distance relationship with a Colombian woman, then you’re going to want to pay attention because you’re about to learn how to best celebrate Valentine’s Day in Colombia.

The first thing that you need to do is to be there with her. Long distances are detrimental enough to relationships, and she’s going to doubly notice your absence on Valentine’s Day. So make it a point to be there. Book a flight now. Book passage on a ship. It doesn’t matter how, just get to her before the 14th.

After you get there, what are you supposed to do? Sure, just being together after being apart for so long might be enough, you don’t want to do just enough. You want to do more. You want to exceed expectations and you want to make her feel as special as possible.

So how do you do that? How do you make a woman feel as special as possible? Well, you don’t have to think too hard about it. There are a lot of things that you can do and places that you can go to in order to celebrate Valentine’s Day in Colombia.

A pair of hands holding a small gift.
Give her a gift that’s as perfect as she is.

Get Her a Meaningful Gift

First up, you can’t just show up empty-handed to a date, not on Valentine’s Day. So before you venture out to eat some of the best food in Medellin, you have to specially prepare an item that she will cherish. Here are a few ideas:


Aside from the regular menu of flowers and chocolates, jewelry is one of the most popular gift choices for Valentine’s Day. Jewelry is a staple for a reason. Just be careful as to the type of reason you get her. A bracelet and earrings will be fine. A necklace will be incredibly romantic. Avoid rings unless you’re popping the question.

A new phone

One of the most important things to do in a long-distance relationship is to stay connected. Well, that ability to stay connected will be dependent on everyone’s internet connection and device.

This is a great gift to consider if her phone is always hanging up or barely functioning.

Is it costly? For sure, but you don’t have to get her a top-of-the-line flagship phone. Most budget phones today do much more than the bare minimum.

A video chat with her will be a lot more fun if her front-facing camera is sharp enough to capture her beauty, after all.

A new handbag

If you’re truly stumped as to what to get your lady for Valentine’s Day, then get her a handbag. A good handbag is not something any woman can refuse.

Find your nearest high-end department store or go to your local outlet mall, pick up something nice, and then carefully pack it in your luggage so that it’s in pristine condition when you present it to her.

Want to Tour the Safest City in Colombia? Medellin is Up There

Next, there are the things to do. After all, you can’t just toss a gift at your lady and call it a day. Luckily, there are plenty of things to do to celebrate Valentine’s Day in Colombia.

Tour Time is Quality Time

Depending on who you talk to, Medellin is the safest city in Colombia, or close to the top. It does, however, have quite a sordid past. And there are still a few remnants of that past that still stand and you and your lady can book a three-hour tour.

But there is so much to see in the City of Eternal Spring. And there is no better way to spend time than to walk down the street hand-in-hand with your beautiful date.

A woman sitting at a dinner table.
Try some of the best food in Medellin with your favorite person from Medellin.

Take the Line

Medellin has five metrocar lines. Four of them are urban and are part of the public transportations system. Line L is also part of that same system, but instead of criss-crossing through the city, it takes passengers to the Arvi Park ecological preserve.

Even if you don’t take Line L, the metrocar lines are a great way to see the city from up above.

Take a tour of Communa 13

In the 1960s, some people illegally settled in an area of Medellin. That settlement eventually evolved into one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in Colombia, if not the most dangerous.

But times changed and so did the neighborhood. Now, people can take a tour of Communa 13 to see the graffiti there and also get up close look at the turbulent history of the neighborhood and how it reflects the country as a whole.

Plus, there’ll be opportunities to listen to good music and eat great food.

Sample the Best Food in Medellin

Speaking of great food, you’re going to want to try some of the best food in Medellin. After all, sitting down to a romantic dinner is a tradition on Valentine’s Day, not just in Colombia but wherever the practice is observed.

But where can you find a good restaurant? Sure, Medellin is a major population center so there are going to be good restaurants everywhere, but what about the best places? Don’t worry about that, because you’re about to learn where some of the best food in the city can be found.

Here’s a list of some of the best restaurants in Medellin, Colombia:

Suddenly, it’s late at night and you’re both hungry and maybe a little drunk. Where do you go? Well, you go to Papacitos and use some of their fries to soak up the liquor you drank earlier in the evening.

There’s no right way to celebrate Valentine’s Day in Colombia. You can do whatever you want. As long as you and your partner are together and having a good time, you can be sitting at home doing each other’s nails and no one can tell you that you’re celebrating incorrectly. But, if you’d like to go out and do some activities together, then you’ve got some great options.