Colombian Women: Most Beautiful Women in the World

Beauty is subjective. Beauty standards can vary from culture to culture and from person to person. That said, there aren’t that many people who’d disagree with the notion that Colombian women are some of the most beautiful women in the world. Many men would probably go as far as to say that they’re the most beautiful women in the world full stop.
So what is it about these women in Colombia that makes them so desirable? Is it that Colombia itself is so beautiful that the people have no choice but to follow suit? Is it genetics? Is it the culture that encourages women to value how they look?
Or are there just so many visible examples of beautiful Colombian girls that it skews the general perception of them?
An argument could be made that Colombian females (and Latinas in general) are so sexualized in American media and culture that everyone starts thinking that every woman in South America is a sultry temptress.
But walk down any street in Medellin, Colombia; women there could pass for models even if they’re schoolteachers or bakers or any profession that’s not modeling.
So, what gives? What makes these women so beautifully voluptuous? Is there something in the water down there? Is it the food?
Food, Fitness, Form, and Fashion
It might actually be the food, particularly if you’re the kind of guy who likes a woman with some meat on her bones. Colombia has a pretty strong culinary culture and the women there aren’t just great at cooking it, they’re also not too shy when showing their appreciation for good food. This causes curves in all the right places, giving them an enviable figure.

Healthy Habits
Speaking of food, the diet is also, for lack of a better word, better than in the United States. Portion sizes aren’t as large as in the United States, fruits and other fresh food are accessible to everyone. Not to mention they consume far less high fructose corn syrup than Americans. Colombians also consume (natural) fruit juices instead of sodas.
People also move more in Colombia than they do up north. Walking and biking are far more common in Colombia’s everyday life than they are in the United States. Medellin, in particular, is a city built on steep hills so people aren’t just walking - they’re walking on inclined surfaces which requires more effort and burns more fat.
It also increases their cardiovascular endurance, which can come in handy for a couple in certain situations.
Because the lifestyle in Colombia involves fewer processed foods and more exercise, the people are healthier. Because the people are healthier, their bodies are more fit and they’re better able to meet conventional beauty standards.
Height of Fashion
It should also be noted that there are plenty of men around the world who are attracted to short girls because towering over their partner makes them feel strong and masculine. Thss. In Ce average woman in Colombia is about 5’2.5 so even a guy under 6’0 can tower over a Colombian woman.
Then there’s the way that people dreolombia, people are taught to dress their best. Doesn’t matter if they’re going out for a night on the town or going to the store for some milk, people are taught to look presentable. The women, in particular, are taught to put extra care into the way that they look whenever they have to be out in public.
This means that there are fewer Colombian women who go out in the world looking frumpy or haggard, which makes them look more attractive.
Colombian Women on the Inside
But it’s not just their physical attractiveness that makes Colombian women so beautiful. As blatant as it is, physical beauty is skin deep. But guess what? They’re even more beautiful on the inside as they are on the out.
So what is it on the inside that makes a Colombian woman so very attractive?

Family Matters
First, they’re family-oriented. Colombian culture is very conservative in some aspects and the women are not taught to date casually, but with the goal of getting married sooner rather than later and they’re straightforward about that goal. This makes them incredibly desirable to a guy who wants to settle down as quickly as possible.
That same culture also encourages them to want to have babies as soon as possible. The women in Colombia are encouraged to have a child within the first few years of marriage. Her family might even want her to get pregnant on the honeymoon.
But it’s not just kids. They’re also taught to be mothers and wives. This means adhering to traditional gender roles of being the caretaker and homemaker.
Why does this make them desirable? Because the kind of guy that wants to settle down is not interested in playing games or in long courtships. They want to get married and settle into traditional married life at the earliest possible convenience.
They don’t want to wait for the right time, because the right time is now. That a woman from Colombia will have more or less the same mindset makes her all the more attractive.
Her Man Is Hers Alone
Then there’s a trait that some men may find off-putting and others may find attractive and that trait is jealousy. Some of the women down in Colombia can be rather protective and possessive of their men. Some guys may like that because it makes them feel wanted and others may hate it because it makes them feel suffocated.
Now, the image of Colombian beauty has wormed its way into collective consciousness, and there’s a lot of truth to it.
It’s no secret that the women of Colombia are beautiful. Anyone with a working set of eyes can plainly see how gorgeous they are, even if women aren’t what they’re attracted to. But that attraction isn’t due to some magic spell. A number of cultural, geographical, and biological factors play into it the image of beautiful Colombian women.