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Why You Should Accessorize When Dating A Colombian Woman

Man wearing a suit and a watch.
A Colombian woman will want a man that’s both stylish and masculine.

Imagine that you’re getting ready to go on a date with a beautiful Colombian woman. You want to make sure that it’s as perfect as can possibly be, so you’ve got your outfit all planned out.

Maybe you’re going to show up smart and wear a suit. Or perhaps you’re going casual with (well-pressed) jeans and a (crease-free) T-shirt.

You may have even gone the extra step with your preparation by maybe going to the spa or the gym earlier in the day. You’ve done your research on the restaurant you’re taking her to. You’ve gone over their menu and their wine list to come up with the perfect pairs.

You’ve even decided on the perfect cologne to spritz on just before you walk out the door.

Basically, you’ve done everything you possibly could to get ready for the date. Well, almost everything.

There’s one step you’ve neglected. Don’t fret about it. Men generally tend to ignore this step.

What is that step? Accessorizing. Men, in general, do not wear accessories. The ones that do often limit themselves to a watch and/or a wedding band.

Why Accessorizing Matters to Colombian Women

You’re probably wondering that if accessorizing is something that most men don’t do, then you probably shouldn’t bother with it.

But remember, you aren’t just dating anyone. You are dating a pure-blooded Latina. Colombian people, especially their women, like to dress up. So if you want to look like you’re on her level, you might want to consider putting that extra touch.

Truth be told, accessorizing isn’t always necessary. For the most part, a man can get by with any accessories whatsoever.

So why do it? Because it adds a little something extra. Think of it like french fries. You can have the fries by themselves and that’ll be a perfectly fine snack or side dish. But you can elevate those fries if you add brown gravy and cheese curds. Now it’s poutine.

But before you go out and buy a plethora of necklaces, rings, and bracelets, you should be aware that overdoing it on the accessories can make it seem like you’re trying too hard. And so will wearing accessories that are garish. Basically, your accessories are supposed to enhance your look, not define it.

You want your accessories to catch a Colombian woman’s notice, but you want her to pay attention to you and not from the necklace dangling from your neck.

Man adjusting his tie while a ring is visible on his finger.
Wear a ring on your right to get Colombian women thinking about one on the left.

What Color Scheme Should You Choose?

The color scheme you choose tells a lot about yourself, your personality, and your character. Colombian women love it when a man has a good sense of style, but they prefer it when that style is masculine.

Choose something monochromatic, in subdued tones. Maybe pick jewelry in silver or even something darker, like carbon fiber or forged carbon. Basically, find stuff that’s manly. If you’re really stumped on a color scheme, then the combination of rose gold and black won’t let you down. Since it’s both masculine and classy.

What You Should Wear

Once you have figured out your color palette, you can now choose which actual accessories you want to put on. A lot of your choice will go down to style, comfort, and even messaging—what you want her to know about you. Here are a few of the essentials:

1. Ring around the Rosie

Let’s start with rings. As mentioned before, most guys who wear rings only do so after they’re married and they only wear one ring. But there’s nothing that says single guys can’t wear rings. They should just be careful which finger to put them on.

Putting one on the left ring finger is the death knell for dating since it’s going to make you look like you’re in a committed relationship. Instead, wear one on your right ring finger. Or any other finger as long as it’s not the one you’re supposed to wear a wedding ring on.

Plus, there’s the chance that wearing a ring on your right ring finger might get your date thinking about you wearing one on the left sometime in the near future. With a matching one on hers.

But what kind of ring should a guy wear if it’s not a wedding ring? One option is the signet ring. Signet rings are rings with a crest on them. Sometimes, these crests are family crests and they are (relative to the general population) common in old money families with noble lineage. Other examples of signet rings are university graduation rings.

However, a simple black band will suffice if you don’t have some ancient family lineage. It doesn’t even have to be made of forged carbon or some other metal. You can get one made of rubber and it’ll have the same effect.

2. The Necklace

Now that we’ve covered rings, we’ve got to cover the necklace. Some guys might wear one with a pendant. Others might just elect to wear the chain by itself. Most of the time, you can’t go wrong with just wearing a chain. It’s clean and it’s simple. But it’s also quite plain.

If you do go with a pendant, pick something that’s not overly garish. A dog tag or a coin should do just fine. If you’re feeling particularly brave, then a pendant shaped like a knife or a skull will serve you well.

If you want, wear a cross. While accurate data is hard to come by, studies estimate that between 70.9 to 79 percent of the Colombian people are Catholic. So wearing a cross may make a woman subconsciously see you as marriage material since she’s more inclined to want to marry a man who shares her (statistically likely) faith.

3. Watch Yourself

Now, let’s go over the one accessory that most men will wear that’s not a wedding ring. That’s the watch. Nowadays, a watch isn’t necessary. Back in the old days, people either had to find a clock to tell the time if they weren’t wearing a watch.

But with everyone carrying around smartphones that tell time more accurately than any watch could, they’re just not a necessity. But plenty of men still wear them for a variety of reasons. The reason on which you need to focus is that a watch is stylish.

Now, what kind of watch should you wear? It depends on your outfit. If you’re in a suit, then wear a dress watch. A dress watch should have a leather band and the rule of thumb is that it matches the color of your shoes. If you’re dressed down, then wear a sports watch or a chronograph.

In either setting, you can wear a smartwatch if it pleases you or if you like its health tracking features.

Cufflinks being adjusted.
Wear cufflinks so you can use them to help draw a Colombian woman’s attention.

4. Cuffing Season

You might think that wearing a suit by itself is fine. For the most part, you’d be correct. When it comes to a suit, the adage less is more holds very true. But that doesn’t mean that you can go completely without an accessory.

Take your shirt cuffs, for example. Do you want to know why some of them don’t come with buttons? To allow the usage of cufflinks. A lot of cufflinks come in plain squares, rectangles, or circles. But that’s not a rule.

You can have cufflinks engraved with a variety of patterns. You can have vines, animals, stars or constellations. There are a lot of options out there. Just remember not to be gauche about it.

As a note, don’t wear too many accessories all at once. You run the risk of looking clunky and overdone. A Colombian woman will want her man to be stylish without being tacky. A rule of thumb when it comes to accessories is to be as subtle as you can be, as the point of them is to whisper but not shout.